That Girl is a comedy TV show that was aired from September 8, 1966 to September 10, 1971 on ABC channel. That Girl television show stars Marlo Thomas as Ann Marie, a beautiful, talented, and very young actress who left her home in New York for her to move in to a place in Manhattan. She acquired the Apartment 4-D located in the west of 78th street. Different stories describes her happiness, and grief as she fights for her dream, encourage her by working different types of part-time jobs, adjust with her parents who does not understand her, and share her time with Don Hollinger, her reporter boyfriend who works for the Newsview Magazine. In the first four seasons, Ann and Don shared their love for each other, until they got engaged in the final season just before the show canceled.
The television show had been parodied several times in different comedy shows like Saturday Night live, Family Guy, The Nanny, Ugly Betty, Roseanne, Animaniacs, and The Simpsons.
That Girl tv show became a precursor of the successful TV shows like Mary Tyler Moore and Murphy Brown. Three seasons has been compiled in DVD sets and the other two seasons are still coming soon. The first season collection has been compiled in May 16, 2006 in DVD. The second season of the series has been compiled in November 14, 2006, and the latest compilation has been compiled in August 7, 2007.
That Girl TV show stars Marlo Thomas as Ann Marie, Ted Bessell as Don Hollinger, and Lew Parker as Lou Marie, Ann's father.