วันอังคารที่ 23 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Dating Tips- 4 Things Never to Say to Your Girlfriend

"What did I say?" You wonder to yourself. Ever found yourself in this situation?

Dating tips for guys to use to ensure dating women doesn't become a verbal nightmare.
Coco Swan explains those terms that come with a guarantee to upset your girlfriend.

1: "I'll leave it to you to decide." Life is full of decision making. By saying "I'll leave it to you to decide" you are actually saying "I just don't care what you decide". While men think of decision making as hard work, women see making choices as being part of a partnership and look forward to the input. When you leave it to them to make the decision you are making them feel that you just don't care enough.
Solution: "I don't care for plan A but plan B and C sound pretty good. What do you think?" This is a great answer because it gets you out of deciding, displays the fact you were listening and implies you care enough.

2: "Just relax." It might seem rational to you to say this when your girlfriend is totally freaking out. However, your girlfriend is upset about something which she sees as a valid reason for being so. When you tell her to relax, you are implying that whatever is upsetting her to this extent is trivial, or worse, that she is being irrational. Girls do not like to be thought of as irrational. When you stay calm, which in her eyes is doing nothing, you are denying that there is a reason for her to be upset.
Solution: "Let's fix this together. This is upsetting for me as well." You have now become empathic.

3:"I love you" while arguing. The three most romantic words in the English language should never be used to get out of an argument. When your girlfriend is still furious with you, trying to get out of the fight like that will never work. Your girlfriend has more to say and you will be hearing it. By attempting to finish the disagreement like that, you are coming over as trying to sneakily shut her up and you will just wind her up even more. Saying those three words now are not going to help you.
Solution: Explain what has happened, in detail, with a good reason attached. Reassure her that you won't do it again. Now you can say "I love you". It is perfectly acceptable to finish off with this, just don't start your apology with it.

4: Saying nothing at all. You may think this is the safe option. You might be scared of saying the wrong thing. You might be worried about incriminating yourself. You may be thinking "silence is golden". Wrong, so wrong, very wrong and totally wrong! Girls feel abandoned and on their own when you do not talk.
Solution: Say something, anything at all. You are better off to make some contribution to the conversation than none at all. It doesn't matter if what you say is not right, it is always better than nothing at all.

The all time classic one-liners.
These are the three dating secrets that all girls love to hear. By saying any of these you will be sure to defuse the situation and make her far more rational and loving.

"Tell me the whole story." Girls become angry at the thought of not being able to tell their side of the tale. By giving her free reign to talk, she will automatically start to calm down. Additionally, she will start thinking as she is talking "is this part really important?" and "do I really want to tell him this bit? And the story will become a lot shorter.

"You are just so gorgeous." This must be said in a very genuine sounding way, and as if you have just that second been blinded by her beauty. From a girl's perspective, is probably better than saying "I love you" as an end to an argument.

"I'm sorry, it is my fault." Or "I'm sorry, you were right." Hard words to say, but there is nothing more of a turn on to a woman than a man who is prepared to admit defeat on the strength of his love. Obviously, it probably wasn't all your fault, and if so, then you should be receiving an apology as well. You may feel like you are losing face by saying sorry, but in reality you are gaining enormous amounts of respect.

You can win the war of the words. Use this guide to dating to keep the love and romance.
By using these relationship tips you will be able to defuse any argument and keep your love.

Good Luck, Coco Swan.

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