Let's talk about workplace dating. Is it a good idea or not? Personally, I think it depends on the size of the company. I've worked in a three person office where the other two people were involved in a relationship over nine years. That would be a no, but let's say a company of 50+ is the environment that is up for discussion. That's about as many people as you'd find at a local bar on a good night.
Honestly, I've always been of the opinion that dating in the workplace is a bad idea even though I've seen it work for others. That said, let's look at the positives of such a situation. Let's contrast meeting someone randomly at a bar to using the office as a dating pool. In the workplace, people have at least one thing in common from the start. Can you say that about any one person in a crowded bar? Not without a great deal of effort. Not only do you have the company in common, but you know they are employed, and live within driving distance of work. Also, things you don't know right off when meeting someone in a bar or on the street for that matter.
What else?
There is the advantage of getting to know someone without pressure. In the workplace, you can get to know someone over time in a safe environment. You don't have to make a decision based on very little input like you do when you meet someone by chance. Do you give your phone number out or not? Is the person a potential psycho or not? At work, other people know the person and can vouch for them, unlike the bar scene. Just because Joe has seen Bill around and had a few brief conversations doesn't mean Joe really knows Bob, right? Besides, in a social scene, everyone has their game face on, but at work, people get down to business and there is a real opportunity that you don't get in a bar to see how they operate, interact with others, and deal with conflict and stress on a daily basis.
The disadvantages
What if you don't jive with people at work? Maybe there is a no dating policy, or there are few people employed in the company. Such environments aren't conducive or don't offer choices as far as dating potentials. Then there is the expression don't shit where you eat. I happen to agree with such an expression, but some people are successful, particularly if they work in separate divisions/departments. I worked with such a couple that is still together today.
Another thing to consider is what your company policy is regarding inter company dating. Some companies discourage or even ban inter-office dating, not just because it can get emotional but because of the possibility and temptation of fraudulent activities. People whether they are dating or not can circumvent the checks and balances in a company. Be sure to check the policy before you put your job on the line.
Other potential problems enter when conflicts arise in the relationship and said couple can't work together. Thus, dating at work becomes messy. The conflicts may be a break up or a fight that is brought into the workplace. How would you like fighting with a partner and not being able to get away from the fight because you work together? Isn't an argument distracting enough without having the added stress of being reminded of it at work? And it is incredibly distracting for co-workers to be around such tension as well.
Other conflicts may be caused by jealousy or rivalry. If you work in the same department, wouldn't there be a little competition in play? Then there are factors outside of the couple. Maybe one person in the relationship is a superior in the workplace. This may cause tension amongst coworkers. People may question the effort and qualifications of the person in the junior role regardless of that person's performance. Of course, there is always the issue of sexual harassment in such a situation as well which most companies would rather discourage.
So where does that leave you in the question of whether to date in the workplace or not? Well, I definitely see the advantages, but I say you really should consider whether the person you like is worth the risk and whether the two of you would be able to work together should things not work out.